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The Guardian Boy The Motion Anime Part 1

The Guardian Boy The Motion Anime Part 1

Japanese Name: 家守の少年 The Motion Anime -前編- / Yamori no Shounen The Motion Anime
Summary: ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍ [Survive More] Oh filthy! Even though he is remarried, he is still unfaithful in broad daylight! Do you no longer even feel that you are a mother? A mother who disappeared leaving Itoo (the main character) behind. In order to wait for his girlfriend’s mother at home, Itoo shuts himself up in her room instead of going to school. However, that wasn’t the only reason he shut himself up. Itoo was aware of the naughty looks that his father-in-law, Akihiko Tamamushi, was giving him. After an argument over Itoo’s selfishness, he ends up being fucked by Akihiko. From that day on, he gets fucked almost every day, and ends up being forced to dress as a woman. During these painful days, Itoo meets Seiichi Orikawa, who has moved into the neighborhood, and they fall in love…

Japanese name: [survive more] 家守の少年 The Motion Anime -前編-

Tags: BDSM 偽娘 內射 口爆 強制 指交 眼罩 綑綁 耽美 肛交 舔穴 調教 貧乳 顏射 美人痣

Description: [survive more] 家守の少年 The Motion Anime -前編- 拝啓 母 雪子へ。ああ汚らわしい!再婚した身でありながらよくもまあ、白昼堂々不貞をはたらくものだ!もう、母であるという自覚すら無くなったのですか。糸夫(主人公)を置いて失踪した母。母を家で待つために、糸夫は学校へも行かず、部屋に引き籠ってしまう。ただ、その事だけで引き籠っていたわけではないのだ。糸夫は気付いていた、義父である玉虫明彦から向けられるいやらしい目線を・・・。糸夫のその自堕落さを発端に口論の末、明彦に●●されてしまう。その日から毎日のように●●れ、しまいには女装を強要されてしまう。そんな苦痛の日々の中、糸夫は近所に引っ越してきた織川精一と出会い、恋に落ちるのだが・・・。
